Content: How Can It Help You Generate Traffic?
The term "content" when used by Internet Marketers refers to written words,
audios or videos. Incorporating content in your website can help you
generate more traffic in a number of ways.
How Does Content Help You Get More Traffic?
Search engines love website that offer valuable content. No matter what type
of site you have, you can leverage this to increase the traffic to your
website. Whether you have an online store, a forum, or a blog, you can add
content to generate traffic.
Also, visitors just plain love sites that offer free content.
Personally, if I go to a website that is just a storefront, I may be
hesitant to buy. However, if I come in and click around a bit and get to
know more about the owners and their products, I may just pull out my
Plus, content makes websites "sticky". This means that, if a visitor comes
to a website and finds good information (in any format), they are more
likely to return than if they just land on a sales page.
How can you Add Content to your Website?
1. Add articles to your website. You can use a mix of your own unique
content, free reprint articles and Private Label Rights
(PLR) articles.
2. Add a blog. If you don't want to add articles directly to your site, then
create a blog where you can talk about your products or services and list
special offers. You can add articles to your blog, or simply chat and
showcase specials and uses for your products and services. Establish
yourself as an expert and people will come back for more.
3. Tweak your product descriptions. This is a simple way to increase the
content on your website (and, possibly, increase sales). Just add more text
to your product descriptions in your storefront - be more descriptive, and
you'll be providing more content.
4. Ask for comments and feedback. No matter what kind of website you have,
incorporating comments from others can help make your website more valuable.
5. Add testimonials. Simple and effective, testimonials not only make your
site appear more trustworthy, but they also add content for search engines.
6. Archive your newsletters. If you publish a weekly newsletter, archive
your previous issues on your website.
7. Add audio. It's simple and easy to record and publish audio online now,
with services that do everything for you. Interview someone or have someone
interview you. Include your interviews on your website for added credibility
and information for your visitors.
8. Frequently Asked Questions. Keep track of the customer service questions
you receive, and answer them on a FAQ page.
You'll add content and spend less time answering repeat questions from your
potential clients.
About The Author: S.D. Daughtry is an internet marketing professional who
hosts an online discussion forum called Net Business Talk featuring internet
business marketing. Visit the forum at .
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