30 Steps To Online Affiliate Marketing Success
Don't want to work for someone but wish to make an income at home selling
their profits for high commisions? Affiliate marketing is the best and most
convenient method to begin.
10 Steps
1.Learn about the product, use it and see what its like. Rate it out of 10
and decide if other people would want it.
2.Set up a domain and webhost so you can market their product.
3.Join various programs you would rate 9/10 and begin marketing them online,
set up webpages and use google adwords to promote your site.
4.Write compeling sales speeches that hypnotised your clients into buying.
Get them thinking " I must have this product or else!".
5.Promote, promote, promote keep promoting your site till you get a flood of
6.Stick with it. Don't give up and flip all about the internet, joining
every program you see. Pick three that you like and stick with it.
7.Monitor your results 6 weeks later and see if it is worth it.
8.You can use products that have already been recommended and successful
instead of trying to figure it all out yourself.
9.You can start by choosng any of the products at
www.jointventuretoday.com/onlinemarketing.htm that has already been tested
and recommended.
10.You can start with free adsense websites loaded with articles and google
ads at www.google-adsense-website.com.
.Write articles that review the product and then send the reader to your web
.If you use ppc engines monitor closely what you are spending
.If you use google adwords, make sure you choose your budget wisely
Getting Traffic to Your Web Site is fundamental for any affiliate or
marketing program. You have to learn quickly how to make money online as
competition grows and how to make your web site become a frequently visited
site. You must follow 5 or more of the steps below to become successful.
10 More Steps
1.Create your website regarding the market you are working in.
2.When you have your web site made, be sure to create a fresh piece of
content every two days. Make sure the content is a well written piece or
article that is helpful to your visitors.
Quality is key here; don't use information that is re-hashed from some other
web site. For instance; this tutorial is ONLY located here and never been on
another website. Give your visitors the information they NEED to achieve
their goal or solve their problem.
3.Only link to sites that are DEAD ON topic, and truly help your visitors.
Don't just "trade" links with other web sites that don't have anything to do
with yours. The old days of the internet don't exist anymore. The search
engines algorythmns are extremely sophisticated now and gaming them is
4.Create a Google site map for your site using some of the free online site
map resources. Submit your web site map to Google, and monitor to see when
the Google bot comes by.
5.Submit your site to MSN and Yahoo as well. All the other search engines
will pick up your site eventually, so don't worry about paying for fancy
"submission" services.
6.Add a blog or a forum to your site so that visitors can communicate with
each other to solve their problems together.
This grows content on hopefully a daily basis.
7.Be patient; understand that search engines need alot of time to index a
new web site and domain. They need time to index all your content and site
8.Don't get caught up with web site generators and internet tricks. All
these "black hat" tricks will only work temporarily. Your business needs to
be setup for the long term.
9.Invest in some quality pay per click (PPC) traffic to your site. The
internet is like any brick & mortar business in that you need to advertise.
There may be a time when you are getting enough "natural" traffic that you
don't need PPC.
10.Post VERY careful and valuable comments in internet or affiliate
marketing forums.
Nowadays, many ways to increase web traffic to your website cost a lot of
time and money. Moreover, some of them are not effective enough.
As a result, you should use these outstanding and effective ways to get more
web site traffic. Here are 10 cool effective ways you could use to increase
web traffic:
10 Additional Steps
1.Give people a free subscription to your e-zine. However, almost everyone
is publishing an e-zine nowadays so you should give something extra with the
free subscription. For example, You could offer a free gift, bonus or
advertising when people subscribe.
2.Provide your visitors with free content. Your content will be more
attractive to your visitors if it's up-to-date or original.
You could also offer people the option to reprint the content in their
e-zine or web site.
3.Offer a free online directory. The directory could be full of interesting
ebooks, e-zines, web sites etc. If people find your directory to be a
valuable resource they will visit it over and over.
4.Give your visitors a free ebook. As a viral marketing strategy, You could
also include your own ad in the ebook and allow other people to give it away
or sell it. If you don't want to take the time to write one, you could ask
other writers permission to use their articles. I typically find my writers
at "http://www.rentacoder.com, www.craigslist.com, http://www.guru.com/, and
5.Hold free online classes or seminars. They could be held in your web
site's chat room. The idea of "live" information will definitely entice
people to visit your web site. You will become known as an expert on the
6.Give visitors a free entry into your contest or sweepstakes.
The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most
people who enter will continually revisit your web site to get the results.
7.Let visitors download free software such as freeware, shareware, demos
etc. You could even turn part of your site into a free software directory.
If you created the software, include your ad inside and let other people
give it away.
8.Offer free online services or utilities from your website.
For instance, they could be search engine submitting, copy writing
proofreading etc. The service or utility should be helpful to your target
9.Give free consulting to people who visit your web site. You could offer
your knowledge via e-mail or by telephone. People will consider this a huge
value because consulting fees can be very expensive.
10.Give your visitors a free membership to your online club.
People want to belong to something, why not your online club. I often use
yahoo group to build my online club. In addition, you could also give away a
free e-zine for club members only.
About The Author: Cheryline Lawson, Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur;
owner of http://www.fiveincomestreams.com/pips.html and offering free e-book
giveaway that you can use to offer your clients at
http://www.moneywithjointventures.com/freeoffer. Get 14 free affiliate
products at http://www.jointventuretoday.com/onlinemarketing.htm
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