4 Effective Accessibility Tips Of A Successful Coaching/Consulting Business
Going back to the cell phone example, you may have felt frustrated and the
receiver at the other end might have heard your instructions incorrectly,
causing him/her to do something completely different from what you intended.
That's why one of the most important factors in the success of your
coaching/ consulting business is the way that you communicate with people,
particularly your proteges. For example, they may be working for your
company or for another company, or they may even be working remotely or from
Not only do you need to find a convenient way to communicate with your
protege, but your success will also hinge on how often you communicate. I'm
going to go over the four most basic things about accessibility that you
must take into consideration when communicating with your protege.
You may find that due to factors such as the location of your protege, both
yours and his or her work schedules and family situations, your
communication accessibility may require flexibility on both your part and
your protege's.
Below we will address each of these situations.
Effective Tip #1 - How to solve the Location problem. If your protege is
situated in a remote location like in the mountains of the Himalayas or if
you and your protege are separated by thousands of miles, it is very likely
that you may not be able to meet regularly. And if it is required that you
meet, then it's much more realistic to meeting occasionally.
If this is the case, you will need to set up a system of communication
that's most convenient for both of you. This can be achieved by
communicating through email or setting up an online private forum or
bulletin board so that you can both post ideas regularly. And obviously, you
and your protege may also want to communicate by telephone and fax.
If you are both working in the same company, the best place to meet will be
in your office, a conference room or even meet over lunch. If your protege
works nearby, but is not a part of your company, you may be able to invite
him or her to your office or a public place, such as the local library, or
meet for lunch or dinner at a favorite restaurant.
Effective Tip #2 - How to solve the Job Schedules And Duties problem. You
may encounter times when you and your protege must work around job schedules
and duties relating to work. This happens a lot when hiring college interns
with mid-terms and final examinations coming up.
To solve this issue you will both have to work out a solution to, especially
if either of you are working in jobs that require on-call duties, overtime
work or unusual start or finishing times at work. If you or your protege are
in this situation, you will both need to discuss how you will handle a
situation like being called out for work duties and how the missed time can
be made up.
Effective Tip #3 - How to solve the Family Situations problem. In a family
setting, it is easily understandable that a mentor or protege may not have
as much time to spare as a single person may. Especially during certain
religious or traditional holidays that you may not be aware of.
If this is a situation that applies to you or your protege, careful
balancing needs to be organized in order not to put strain on other areas of
your or your protege's life.
Finding time with work, and family obligations will be tricky at times,
although it is possible if you do some careful planning and communication
ahead of time.
Effective Tip # - How to solve the External Obligations problem. Some
people, such as executives, have duties or responsibilities that take up
their work hours. These types of things often include seminars, company
events and meetings. It is important to discuss these obligations and
consider them when working out meeting times.
With careful communication and organization, it is possible to arrange times
that will be both suitable and convenient for you and your protege. But, to
do this, you will need to communicate effectively with each other and find a
solution that will work for both of you. If you think your
coaching/consulting business may suffer from any accessibility problems,
solve it by using some of the tips you have just read.
Alan Quan used to be a miserable employee in hopes of climbing the corporate
ladder. He quickly wised up to that BS and fired his boss. Today he is an
Internet Coaching Empire coach specializing in helping people build their
own successful internet business. Visit his website at
http://www.e-bizcoachalan.com/MentorFortunes/coach.htm and find out how he
can help you accomplish your goals.
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