5 Crucial Questions That Will Make You Successful With Your Online Niche
When you find out that you have a profitable niche market, don't you want to
know how to be more relatable so that you can form a better bond with them?
Of course you do because if your niche can sense that you are 'one of them'
your sales conversion will increase. So a great strategy for you is to be
relatable to your customers and find out what goes through their minds.
It is a good idea to hang out with them in online forums, message boards,
blogs, etc., on your particular niche and get a feel about their thinking
Think about it; if your customers sense that you are their friend that truly
understands their deepest fears and desires, how much more effective will
your messages be to your niche?
If you adapt and cater to your niche's actual wants rather than what you
think they want, I guarantee your success with your niche will be
dramatically increased.
This gives you more trust and relation with you customers.
So, now that you know why it's important to truly know about your customers,
here are five basic questions you must answer about your niche.
1. What frightens them?
2. Who and what makes them furious?
3. What frustrates them?
4. How do your customers talk to each other?
5. What keeps them tossing and turning in bed and keeping them up?
Let's make up a hypothetical target audience of a lonely group of males that
is frightened of being virgins their entire lives, and think of resorting to
becoming monks at the Shaolin Temple so they have an excuse for their
failure with women.
Maybe you've narrowed it down even further and found out that they are
furious about girls laughing at their pathetic, flabby bodies. This in turn
frustrates them that they are labeled as 'runts.'
Then you found a forum where they hang out and find out that they all talk
like Andy Stitzer from that wonderful movie 40 Year Old Virgin.
And finally you've found out that they stay up all night because their
sexual frustration is built up to a peak. So they lock their doors, get
some lotion, and stay up all night surfing the internet for some.video
games! What else relieves more tension than pounding at a video game control
When you found out this much information about a target audience, wouldn't
it be MUCH easier to sell the product that can 'instantly' solve their
problems? In this case, wimpy men that is desperate to find an easy way to
approach women. By the way, I've addressed the 5 questions if you've read
You can have book sets, seminars, and coaching sessions on your successful
dating system. Also show them that you were like one of them and that after
using this incredible system, you have so many girls on you that you have to
beat them off with a stick!
Now that trust and relationship is established, give them more of what they
want, fitness products! They did mention their frustrations with being
runts remember? There are many other ways you can go about this, but the
bottom line is to have a deeper understanding of your niche before you
market to them!
Alan Quan used to be a miserable employee in hopes of climbing the corporate
ladder. He quickly wised up to that BS and fired his boss. Today he is an
Internet Coaching Empire coach specializing in helping people build their
own successful internet business. Visit his website at
http://www.e-bizcoachalan.com and find out how he can help you accomplish
your goals.
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