Do You Want To Earn From Home? Find Out How.
For many moms, writers, and artists, to earn from home is the only option.
We have children who are not yet of school age whom we do not want to put at
a day care. We have art that requires more hours than there are in a day,
preventing our leaving the house for a strong 9 to 5 show. Or we are writers
who prefer to and need to cut off, to work an continuous process.
But as those who come before us in the work from home category will advise,
there are some requirements, some must dos. Here are a few of them, as
defined and discussed by the work from home veterans.
Keep a professional schedule. Just because you are at home, it is raining,
the bed is comfortable, doesn't suggest you can take the day off. Set up a
reasonable working schedule and keep it. Otherwise, you will lose force. As
one wise person once said, it is easier to stay going than to get going (ala
Albert Einstein or was it Isaac Newton and the theory that holds that 'a
body in motion stays in motion a body at rest stays at rest').
Get dressed. Remember the movie, 'Oh, God' George Burns, playing God,
suggests to John Denver, who has just been shocked and wants to do nothing
but mope, that he shave, shower, and brush his teeth to normalize, to stay
feeling someone normal by doing the normal, everyday things he usually does.
This, and that working in night clothes just feels so wrong, feels so
antithetical to the goal. You want to be productive but you are in sleep
clothes that foster a sleep mode outlook.
Discourage interruptions. This is the absolute toughest for any earn from
home worker. The kids need something, spilled something, and are fighting
over something. The dog barks to be let out then barks to be let in. The
spouse, roommate, or other 'drops in' to remind you of something, ask you
something, and visit. Make it clear that you are at work an hour's drive
away and do not exist in the building, the same way you would not be present
if you were at a job you had to drive to.
They would not stop in at your job to 'visit'. And, hopefully, they would
not call every time the channel got changed while they were 'hey watching
that' or every time they couldn't find that pink shirt with the green line.
If explaining doesn't work, come up with a signal system. I use a 'Do Not
hanging sign that I got from a hotel. And I do NOT acknowledge knocks,
throat clearing, or crocodile tears.
Finally, I would be remiss in advising those new to earn from home if I left
out a warning if it says 'earn from home' or 'work at home' or any variation
of majority such as these, watch that it is not a cheat. As one smart person
on a forum board says, employers are not ask for for
people who work at home in general. They have a specific job they need done
andare seeking a specific person with friendly skillsets.
If an ad is too general, it may be one which will lead you to a 'job' that
never appear but instead requires you send money, invest money, or share. No
job sould require money up front.
You are looking to earn it from them not spend it on them.
About The Author: Paul I. Etkin provides readers with up-to-date
commentaries,articles, and reviews for, as well as business
related information.
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