3 Steps To Increase Your Online Income
The Internet marketing landscape changes constantly. There are new products and software programs every day it seems.
I have been doing business online successfully since 1996. One thing hasn't changed in all these years. The money is in your list. This was true in 1996. This is true today. This will be true in the future.
If you run an information business, the money is in your list. If you run a local business and market online, the money is in your list. If you're an affiliate with other people's products, the money is in your list.
I have worked with thousands of different companies in my coaching programs and through products my business has offered. No matter what type of business you're in, the money is in the list.
Some people have made good money online without a list, but I have never seen an instance where having a list wouldn't have increased their income.
I'm sure this isn't brand new information to you if you've been online for any amount of time. The question is just how much do you focus on your list?
Step One - Concentrate on Building Your List
Make it a priority. Use a squeeze lead generation page where the only purpose of the page is to generate an email lead. If you can't do that, then at least focus your visitors attention on your subscribe box by highlighting it and making it the most obvious section of your page.
Focus your visitor's attention on your list. Give them a valuable gift for signing up (not just a sales letter to buy a product). Give them real value at the beginning of your relationship as an incentive to join your list.
Then concentrate on effective marketing for your list. Use SEO, PPC search engines, article submissions, joint ventures, etc. all with the intention of building the list. If you can grow your list, you'll grow your income.
Step Two - Build a Relationship with Your List
Write emails to your list as if you're talking to one individual. It may not be accepted in English class, but the most powerful word for your online writing is "You." Give them some content for free. There are thousands of lists your subscribers can be on. What will separate you from all the
I have always worked on my relationships with my subscribers by telling short personal stories about my own life. I shared my successes and my frustrations with them. Always speak to your list members as if you're speaking to one single individual.
Be personal. Give content and value. Be a real person they can trust.
Step Three - Make Good Honest Offers to Your List
You don't just send content. You also have to send offers. It's the combination of the two that will build your income. Get too unbalanced in content only and you don't make any money. Get too unbalanced in offers only and people will stop reading.
Don't just jump on the bandwagon of whatever new product is being sold this week. I know there are always product launches promising you a large income if you jump on the next big thing. You have to ignore the majority of these if you want to really build a valuable list.
If you promote the exact same thing 50 other people are promoting this week, you're not a "leader" any more. You're a parrot. There is no more reason to subscribe to your list than anyone elses. Be a little different.
If something comes along that you know will really give value to your list, then go with it. But never become the parrot marketer that just says what everyone else is saying. And I can assure you that doesn't occur every week.
About The Author: Terry Dean is the President of MyMarketingCoach, LLC where You Earn More, Work Less, and Enjoy Life. Get his new ebook totally FREE, "Internet Integrity: The Truth About How ANY Business Can Increase Profits Online" at http://www.theterrydean.com
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